With the PUB Crawl, we aim to make your life easier by packaging all the best of the Salesforce.org Power of Us Hub into one handy weekly email.
Well, we’re taking another step in your life easing effort! For those who think reading is totally overrated, we’re rolling out the first installment of the PUB Crawl: Nonprofit Starter Pack Release Notes Rundown. Within about 60 seconds, you’ll hear the latest additions and updates to the Nonprofit Starter Pack, the open source, community-driven, Salesforce.org-shepherded CRM engine powering many-a nonprofit’s social change-making engines.
This inaugural installment runs down the details of Release 3.62 as shared by Jason Lantz of Salesforce.org plus tosses in a few little extras of our own. So belly up to the PUB Crawl bar and hear the barkeep share the latest news: