We noted in Friday’s post World Cup, soccer strategy, and nonprofit success with Salesforce that one powerful way of fostering said nonprofit success with Salesforce is educating nonprofit Salesforce administrators to do for themselves.
It just so happens that the Salesforce.com Foundation has two great ways for nonprofits to tool up, and they are free!
1) Attend Salesforce.com Foundation Weekly Office Hours
From noon to 1 pm ET every Friday, you can get hit up bona fide Salesforce MVPs with your questions as part of Salesforce.com Foundation Weekly Office Hours. These are people with big hearts and big Salesforce brains. You will like them. A lot.
2) Ask a question in the Power of Us Hub
The Power of Us Hub is a central place where you can connect with others leveraging Salesforce for social good, from the newbie to the stone cold pro. Ask questions there and, when you do, follow these three helpful tips from David Manelski, Technical Architect at Salesforce.com, who we always listen to with wrapped attention and quote verbatim here:
- When asking a question, use the Question post type. Using questions allows you to search other similar questions and with the upcoming Summer ’14 Salesforce release will also include searching relevant knowledge articles as you type your question.
- Post in the place that most closely matches the topic you’re talking about. You can use group @mentions to mention a group. For example, this post is so inspiring, I’m going to post it to the @Inspire Me group. Or I have a question about the @Nonprofit Starter Pack
- Use topics! Topics can be added after you post with that little dropdown arrow on the top right of every post. Alternatively, you can use hashtags to tag a topic to a post. Each hashtag/topic has it’s own landing page with all of the posts and Questions tagged with that topic. Want to see all the #Questions posted in the Hub or how about everything about the Starter Pack #NPSP. Click on the hashtag to go through to the topic page.